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Campaña antidrogas del gobierno federal se enfoca en fentanilo; alerta sobre alta demanda en consumo de metanfetaminas
Oposición en el Senado pide detener “caprichitos” de la 4T; exigen que se cancele creación de Olinia y rutas de Mexicana
Tarjeta INAPAM: Estos son los programas del Bienestar a los que te puedes registrar; así la puedes obtener
ONU acusa que reforma judicial abrirá la puerta a élites políticas y crimen organizado; no habrá independencia, afirma
In light of the murder of the Mayor of Temixco, Morelos, Gisela Mota, her colleagues and collaborators in the Association of Local Authorities in Mexico demanded that the Federal and State authorities increase the security in all the nation's municipalities.
The organization pointed that the murder represents "an important alert call" and requires a coordinated reaction to ensure peace and security in the country.
"The murder of our colleague Gisela has been added to the loss of almost a hundred mayors and more than a thousand municipal officials killed in the last decade, mainly at the hands of organized crime," expressed the organization in a press release.