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Prisión preventiva oficiosa transgrede normas internacionales: ONU-DH; “Detener automáticamente a las personas viola sus derechos”
Alista Senado nueva Ley General de Derechos de los Pueblos Indígenas y Afromexicanos; deberán consultar a Claudia Sheinbaum
Birmex cancela investigación de mercado para medicamentos, denuncia diputado del PAN; Gobierno seleccionará precios arbitrarios, acusa
Marco Fabián de la Mora was officially presented as the new player of the Eintracth Frankfurt, a team with which he may debut on January 24 in a match against Wolfsburg.
“I am happy to be here, it was the best Christmas present. I will do everything to help my team avoid relegation”, de la Mora said at a press conference.
The Mexican player showed his new shirt at the Commerzbank Arena accompanied by Kaan Ayhan and Szabolcs Huszti, new sign-ups of the red eagles.