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Sheinbaum cierra el 2024 con mensaje de Año Nuevo; recuerda legado de AMLO y reafirma continuidad de la 4T
Científicos de la UNAM desarrollan lombricompostaje; una alternativa eficiente para el manejo de heces caninas
According to the report of the National Center for Disaster Prevention (Cenapred), the monitoring system of Popocatépetl volcano registered 23 low-intensity exhalations and five explosions in the last 24 hours. These events generated slight ash emissions heading to the east.
Additionally, several episodes of harmonic tremor were recorded, which in total added up to 8 hours. This activity is related to the formation of a lava dome inside the crater.
On January 27, an overflight was conducted with the assistance of the Federal Police, where a 300 m-diameter dome was verified. The presence of this dome implies the possibility of further explosions in the next few days, which may destroy it.
Also, incandescence was observed over the crater at night.
Since this morning and until the time of this report, no emissions have been observed in the volcano.