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“En algunos años habrá una secretaria de la Defensa”, afirma subdirectora de la Escuela Militar de Medicina

Claudia Sheinbaum, por definir asistencia presencial a reunión "urgente" de la Celac; migración, tema clave del encuentro

Noroña califica política de EU como hipócrita, racista y fascista; se solidariza con Petro ante deportaciones

Magistrada Mónica Soto propone sustituir al Comité de Evaluación del PJ; plantea someter a insaculación a aspirantes elegibles

Magistrado Reyes Rodríguez propone validar registros de aspirantes con promedio inferior a 8; excluirlos es “estigmatizante”, señala
The Spanish National Police confirmed the arrest of Mexican politician Humberto Moreira, former national leader of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party and former governor of Coahuila, in the Barajas airport.
"Humberto Moreira was arrested in Barajas by order of the anti-corruption prosecutor. He was placed at the disposition of the National Audience this afternoon #misióncumplida", reported the corporation in Twitter.
After the arrest of Moreira, his team reported to commentator Ciro Gómez Leyva on the Radio Formula station that he was detained on migratory issues.
The former leader of the PRI has made a series of recent travels to Spain, particularly since he took a master's in that country in 2013.