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Detienen a persona vinculada al homicidio del magistrado Edmundo Román Pinzón; Fiscalía de Guerrero continúa con las indagatorias
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Due to the wave of homicides in Guerrero, Governor Héctor Astudillo Flores reported that the Minister of the Interior Miguel Ángel Osorio Chong visited the state to review the security strategy implemented by the end of October.
In comments to the media, Astudillo expressed that the visit, at noon, would end in a review of the security plans. "Many things have been done, but many more are needed ... "
The governor also mentioned that he will point out at the Ayotzinapa case, asking that the investigations on the disappearance of the 43 students continue until the truth about the incident in the city of Iguala, on September 28, is finally known.
In regard to the murder of the Human Resources head of the municipality of Acapulco and his driver, just a short distance from the mayor's office, he expressed that "it is very important to consider, to analyze the case."