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After the murder of four people in Zitlala, a municipality in the central region of the state of Guerrero, Governor Héctor Astudillo Flores requested the support of the Army to shield the area in a special operation.
Responding to questions about the acts of violence in Guerrero, with 15 homicides during the last 24 hours, Astudillo Flores responded that with the support of the federal forces the situation would be reversed.
In addition to the central region of the states, there are security operations in place in Acapulco, on the roads of the Costa Chica and Costa Grande, and the northern regions of Iguala, Taxco and the mountains of Guerrero, where many killings have been reported.
In the specific case of Zitlala, a municipality in the low mountain areas of the state, the director of the Transit and Road Administration was killed last Sunday, while the next day three young men were beheaded.