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INE estima entre el 8 y 15% de participación para la elección judicial; hasta 10 minutos para emitir un voto

Sheinbaum ordena abrir programa especial en el Consulado de México en Los Ángeles; será para mexicanos que perdieron empleos por incendios
Federal officials say a Southern California couple has been arrested on suspicion of smuggling more than 900 endangered and threatened sea turtle eggs into the U.S. from Mexico.
The U.S. Justice Department said this week that Hemet residents Olga and José Jiménez have been charged in a four-count indictment. Each faces a maximum sentence of 50 years in prison and US$1 million in fines if convicted of all charges.
Officials say the eggs are considered a delicacy in Asia and believed to have aphrodisiac properties. A Sea Turtle Conservancy spokeswoman told The Riverside Press-Enterprise reported the eggs typically bring between $3 and $5 each on the black market.
It wasn't immediately known if the defendants have attorneys who could comment on the indictments.