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Actor Rafael Amaya spoke in an interview about the accusations of drug abuse against him, expressing that it is untrue that he suffered an overdose.
During the first days of November, media reported that he was hospitalized due to an overdose and that he was placed in rehab afterwards.
The star of narco-soap opera “El Señor de los Cielos” spoke about the subject to María Celeste Arrarás for Telemundo's “Al Rojo Vivo” TV show. According to Arrarás, this is the only interview on which the actor will talk on that matter.
When he was questioned about his hospital stay, Amaya said that: "Yes, I was in the hospital for a couple of days because I had a nervous breakdown because of fatigue, stress. I spent almost eight months working with no vacation. Like every other human being, I began to get sick every week, to be absent from work. We decided that I needed a break and resume my life, to recharge".
He denied ever being in a coma. "I remember when I arrived there, when I left. I remember it all." He added that he felt really bad and that's why he went to the hospital, where he arrived with a "terrible tachycardia".
“There were no drugs. There was fatigue, stress and personal problems. It was a chain reaction and my body was unable to take it. The doctor recommended full rest ... I don't drink and don't consume any drugs, I am very happy with what is happening with my life."