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Sarampión se ha convertido en enfermedad reemergente; vacunación en México es del 70%, alertan académicas de la UNAM
¿Hasta cuándo se puede renovar la credencial de elector para votar en la reforma judicial?; esta es la fecha límite
MC plantea reforma contra brecha salarial; busca crear políticas públicas contra la discriminación remuneraría
The number of people killed in an attack during a cockfight in the municipality of Cuajinicuilapa has increased to 12, among them two kids.
The attack began yesterday shortly before 9:00 p.m. in midtown Cuajinicuilapa.
According to official reports, the confrontation between armed civilians left 12 people killed, including two minors, and five injured who were taken to the Red Cross in nearby Ometepec.