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“Hay que expropiar a Salinas Pliego” por deudas al SAT, señala Paco Ignacio Taibo II; pide a Sheinbaum ser autocrítica
Tribunal niega libertad provisional a Murillo Karam; magistrados alertan riesgo de que el ex titular de la PGR evada la justicia
Desapariciones en México alcanzan los mil 827 casos primeras semanas de Sheinbaum, revela Registro Nacional; Edomex encabeza listado
Oposición califica el presupuesto 2025 como “un valle de lágrimas”; señalan recortes y errores graves
Lenia Batres destaca que ha dejado de percibir más de 2 mdp; devuelve un millón 181 mil 439 pesos a la Tesorería
Mexican authorities say they have found four bodies in clandestine graves in the hamlet of Carrizalillo in the southern state of Guerrero.
The Attorney General's Office said it had brought in archaeological experts from Mexico's National Institute of Anthropology and History to help search for more graves using ground-penetrating radar normally used to locate pre-Hispanic tombs.
The office said Thursday that after digging in two pits found by local residents, investigators discovered the skeletal remains of a man and what appeared to be three women.
The Guerreros Unidos drug gang is active in the area. The gang is blamed for the disappearance of 43 students missing since September 2014 as well as for dozens of other bodies found in pits around the Guerrero city of Iguala.