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Groups in favor and against the legalization of marijuana for recreational purposes demonstrated outside the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJN), that discusses today the proposal made by minister Arturo Zaldívar Lelo de Larrea.
Organizations such as Red Familia y A Favor de lo mejor, among others who oppose to the legalization, will deliver 19,000 signatures to the Supreme Court.
"It is important to hear the voices of experts as the National Commission Against Addictions and the Youth Integration Centers," said those who oppose legalizing marijuana.
However others, such as Regulación ya, invite citizens to sign a request to legalize the plant in order to end with violence in the country.
"40% of the resources of organized crime come from drugs, so we must regulate it to stop the war on drug trafficking," said those who are in favor.
Abraham Rojas Martinez, member of the leftist youths of the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), said that they have collected 50,000 signatures out of the 120,000 required to submit a citizens' initiative to the Congress next February. Fernando Belaunzarán Méndez, former deputy of the PRD in favor of legalizing cannabis, will also witness the debate among the five members of the Supreme Court.