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Aspirantes a elección judicial podrán ser denunciados por campaña anticipada: INE; entrega de beneficios será sancionada

Otra vez en Michoacán, realizan homenaje a “El Mencho” en Tanhuato; acompañan con fuegos artificiales, banda y foto gigante
The Attorney General of the State (PGJE) reported the arrest of Óscar Alejandro Rivero Matos, also known as "Pipo” and/or “Uno” the alleged leader of the so-called Cancún Cartel.
Rivero Matos was arrested along with two men, one of them a municipal police officer.
The men arrested were identified as Óscar Alejandro Rivero Matos, 29, from Valladolid, Yucatán; Ángel Eliseo Sosa Luna, 22, from Cancún, Quintana Roo, and Juan Bernardo Franco Franco, 29, from Villa Guerrero, State of Mexico.
Two handguns and over 130 plastic bags containing marijuana were seized.