The disaster from last tournament semifinals has been repeated for Chivas Guadalajara, again by a score of 3-0. Only this time, Guadalajara didn't even made it to playoffs.

Chivas bids farewell to the Apertura 2015 tournament with a thrashing defeat, showing themselves before the fans as a squad more interested in saying goodbye and take a long vacation.

Bryan Rabello opened the score at 33. And Chivas could not look worse than they do. Marco Fabián tries to push things in favor of Guadalajara, but is unable, or perhaps unwilling, to stop Javier Abella from scoring with a head trick at 50.

Just four minutes later, Carlos Salcedo closes the scorer. Santos gets 3-0 and the Guadalajara loses all hope.

And things could get even worse for Chivas, as soon as the team faces a greater monster: relegation.

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