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The Government of Mexico strongly condemns the terrorist attack against more than a hundred people at the Radisson Hotel in Bamako, capital of Mali, that killed about twenty civilians and injured many more.
The government also echoes the statement of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ban Ki-moon, who condemned this attack and expressed concern that these acts were taking place at a time when the peace process was making good progress and the signatory groups to the agreement on peace and reconciliation in Mali, in particular the Co-ordination des Mouvements de l’Azawad and the Plateforme, were in Bamako to attend the sixth meeting of the Comité de suivi de l’Accord (CSA) with the Malian government and international partners.
Mexico rejects any attempt to derail implementation of peace in Mali and all terrorist and violent acts against civilians, and express its condolences to the families of the victims and its solidarity with the government of Mali.