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Aspirantes a elección judicial podrán ser denunciados por campaña anticipada: INE; entrega de beneficios será sancionada

Otra vez en Michoacán, realizan homenaje a “El Mencho” en Tanhuato; acompañan con fuegos artificiales, banda y foto gigante
A group of public transportation concessionaires vandalized the mayor's office in Cintalapa de Figueroa, in protest against the operation of illegal motorcycle taxis in that area of Chiapas.
The protesters threw tires and burned them outside of the city hall, and a cloud of black smoke covered for several minutes the facade of the building.
The protesters demanded that the irregular taxis are taken out of the road.
Supporting the protest, taxis, buses and other public transportation units are blocking midtown since yesterday.
The protesters say that the head of the Department of Transportation, Fabián Estrada de Coss, is not counteracting the activity of the pirate taxis in the area.