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The Mexican National Security Commissioner (CNS), Renato Sales Heredia, said to the High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations, Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, that the country is open to scrutiny and the recommendations of the national and international organizations.
The Commissioner "showed his willingness to cooperate with the U.N. to oversee and enforce international treaties on the subject," explained the CNS in a release.
The CNS added that it is working with the authorities on all levels with full respect for human rights.
"Renato Sales stressed the importance of being informed and trained in human rights in the areas of the Federal Police and the decentralized administrative body of Prevention and Social Rehabilitation, in order to be able to count with the trust and support of society," expressed the CNS.
The meeting was also attended by the Commissioner General of the Federal Police, Enrique Galindo; the head of the decentralized administrative body for Prevention and Social Rehabilitation, Eduardo Guerrero Durán; the head of the Police Development System, Alvaro Vizcaíno; as well as a group of advisers of the CNS.