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Marisa Moreno Bernat, granddaugther of Mario Moreno “Cantinflas”, arrived on September 19 at the hospital unconscious, with 200 fractures in the face, facial trauma and whiplash. Her husband had beat her. It was not the first time.
A month ago, Mexican actress Yered Licona, known as "The Lover Wanders", was taken to the hospital with a wound on her forehead and bruises on her face. Her ex-husband and father of her daughter, comedian Radamés de Jesús, had beaten her in a fit of anger after an argument. It was not the first time either.
These are the most recent cases of violence suffered by showbiz personalities, which show that despite their fame or money, they are as vulnerable as any other woman.
According to the latest survey from the National Statistics Institue (INEGI) and the National Institute for Women (Inmujeres), in 2011 almost half of Mexican women (43%) were victims of some form of violence by their current or recent partners.