Francisco Palencia, who is visiting Mexico for the promotion of an international betting app, expressed that the new coach of the Mexican national soccer team, Juan Carlos Osorio, must have all the support he needs.

"We have to support Juan Carlos Osorio and remove all roadblocks for him. He has been okayed ... He has good references. I haven't seen him play, I don't know the way his teams play. I honestly don't know, but we have to remove the blocks from his road," expressed Palencia.

Palencia is in the country for the presentation of the SportiumBet and Casino Life app for Android and IOS, which will allow users to bet on games and sports all over the world.

Palencia, "ambassador" for the brand, also expressed a very good opinion on Miguel Herrera and Ricardo Ferretti, the former coaches of "El Tri".

"I think that Miguel was really good. He went to a World Cup when everybody least expected it and in really short time. Afterwards, I think that some media, the way I see it, discredited his work and some of the games they had, which were not the coach or the team faults, like when the referee invalidated a penalty shot."

"I think Miguel's sports goals were reached, meaning getting to the Gold Cup, and that allowed us to be now in the Confederations Cup. Due to non-soccer related things, Miguel leaves and 'Tuca' arrives. And, he did very well," he expressed.

Palencia also spoke about the situation on two of his former teams, Chivas Guadalajara and Cruz Azul.

"What is happening here is that we are too extreme. Matías Almeída wins two games and we say that Chivas will make it to playoffs and it's being saved. He then loses and now Chivas is again in the hole," expressed Palencia, who played with the Guadalajara team from 2003 to 2005.

"We have to give Matías some time. I have my own theory about Chivas because I used to work there and I know it is true. Some 20 or 25 years ago, the best players in Mexico would go to Chivas. Now, they go to foreign teams and Chivas sees its hiring field being reduced," he said.

"It is more complicated for Chivas to have the best players because if you want them they will not sell them to you, and I tell you because I know. Now, they must use their raw materials, their development leagues. Little by little, Chivas will get better," he said.

Regarding Cruz Azul, his team from 1994 to 2001, and from 2002 to 2003, he said that "I could not say that it was someone's fault in particular, but I can tell you that (the team) has been a victim of the competition for the players because it has been the top leader for many times."

Palencia is currently the coach of the Sant Cugat Juvenil A of the Preferential Youth category in Barcelona, and he said that it has been a very good experience.

"It is also a very important step for me because I learned about game styles. I want to reach my goals every weekend, to get things my way. I manage to get the things I want 80% of the time," he said.

But no matter how happy he is in Spain, Palencia does not reject the possibility to work with a Mexican team.

"At the start of the season I went to see some owners, some presidents and board members, and I choose that period of the season because I wanted them to know my work when everything was all rosy."

But, if having the chance to do it with a foreign team, he "would grab it" and says that his experience with the Spanish youngsters has prepared him to do so.

"What I am doing now in Barcelona is very good for me because all the kids are from Spain, so they don't know me. They Google me and then they see that I played with Spanyol or their dads tell them if they are 'Parrots'", he said.

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