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Aspirantes a elección judicial podrán ser denunciados por campaña anticipada: INE; entrega de beneficios será sancionada

Otra vez en Michoacán, realizan homenaje a “El Mencho” en Tanhuato; acompañan con fuegos artificiales, banda y foto gigante
American actress Jennifer Lawrence said in an interview that real estate mogul and celebrity Donald Trump occupying the White House would be the end of the world.
“If Donald Trump becomes president, that will be the end of the world,” the star of "The Hunger Games" told Entertainment Weekly.
“I’ll back you up on that,” her co-star Liam Hemsworth said.
“I genuinely believe that reality television has reached the ultimate place where now even things like this might just be for entertainment,” Lawrence added. “It’s either that or it’s Hillary’s brilliant idea.”