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A video shared on social networks, which was shot on October 2014 but released earlier this month, shows Sgt. Roy Bordamonte, taunting three young Latino individuals in Passaic, New Jersey.
Bordamonte is heard saying he suspects they are children of Mexican immigrants, and threatens to find their parents to deport them.
"Don't worry, I'm going to knock on your f****** door, and I'm going to check your mom's ID, and all your f****** cousins and relatives, and when they give me a fake f****** name, I'm going to have immigration pick everybody up so they can go back to the f****** border or where they f****** came from." Sgt. Bordamonte said.
Meanwhile, citizens of Passaic, which has a large number of Latinos, released a petition on the website Change.org demanding the dismissal of the officer.