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Mexico's Attorney General, Arely Gómez, said that a new investigation with international experts will be requested in order to clarify the incineration of the 43 teachers in training from Ayotzinapa in the garbage dump of the city of Cocula almost a year ago.
Gómez expressed that President Enrique Peña ordered the inclusion in the investigation of the results obtained by the Interdisciplinary Group of Independent Experts (GIEI) designated by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), who concluded that teacher trainees were not incinerated in that place."The federal institutions are sensitive and we are taking decisive action in light of these unfortunate events. The research will continue until the last consequences," expressed Gómez at a press conference.
She stressed that the participation of the IACHR was requested by the federal authorities, which at all times supported the investigations.
The Attorney General added that so far 131 individuals have been investigated, and 110 of them are under arrest, among them the former mayor of Iguala and presumed main responsible for the crime, José Luis Abarca.