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EL UNIVERSAL celebrates its 99th anniversary with the satisfaction of paving the way for a free and ethical journalism in the service of society, thanks to the experience of those who collaborate in this newspaper that will celebrate its first century in 2016 as a media that “contributes with important values to the emergence of a modern Mexico,” Juan Francisco Ealy Ortiz, CEO and President of EL UNIVERSAL said.
“Based on an innovative, brave, free and ethical journalism, we have built spaces to construct a citizenship of which all Mexicans should be proud. Rest assured that we will continue on the same path,” Ealy Ortiz added.
At a breakfast to celebrate the 99th anniversary of “The Great Journal of Mexico”, Ealy Ortiz said: "Both, society and government are obliged to project Mexico as the great and powerful country that we have built. Many stages in the history of our country have been reflected in the pages of EL UNIVERSAL over the last century.”
And he added: "Our role as a media is essential to have a counterweight, a critical observation, a clear reflection of the different realities of a country as diverse and large as ours" so that “we can positively influence in better decisions by those who have a responsibility to chart a course. Also, our work gives voice to a society that watches the results attentively as well as the effects obtained through public policies that truly benefit the less fortunate," he concluded.
The event was attended by Juan Ramón de la Fuente, former dean of the National Autonomous University; Miguel Alemán, former governor of Veracruz, and Joaquín Vargas, chairman of the board of directors of MVS, among others.
EL UNIVERSAL was founded by Félix Palavicini and Emilio Rabasa in October 1916, in the city of Santiago de Querétaro to cover the end of the Mexican Revolution and the creation of the new Mexican Constitution.