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Agents of the Federal Police and Attorney General's Office (PGR) seized one ton of black cocaine coming from Colombia at the Mexico City Airport.
According to the authorities, federal agents learned of the arrival of a shipment of drugs from Bogota, Colombia.
Authorities proceeded to carry out an operation in the customs area, where a pallet with 40 sacks labeled as "zinc oxide" were found.
"Chemical tests were performed by experts, resulting positive for cocaine hydrochloride, cocaine base and other inorganic compound yet undetermined," according to the report.
The seized drug was sent to the Mexico's Assistant Attorney General's Office for Special Investigation on Organized Crime (SEIDO) to continue with the corresponding investigations.
Black cocaine is a mixture of regular cocaine base or cocaine hydrochloride with other substances to camouflage the typical appearance, to interfere with color-based drug tests and to make the mixture undetectable by sniffing dogs.