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Sheinbaum anuncia construcción de Farmacias del Bienestar en 2025; asegura habrá medicamentos gratuitos para personas vulnerables
“Corrupción se quedó en el pasado”, asegura Sheinbaum; afirma que gobierno no tocará recursos del pueblo
“Morena se quiere robar más de 2.4 billones de pesos”: diputado; reforma al Infonavit afecta derechos laborales, afirma
En México 4.5 millones de menores son víctimas de abuso sexual cada año; México, primer lugar en incidencia, según reporte
Ella es Anavel Ávila, la alcaldesa de Coalcomán ligada al CJNG; se le investiga por desaparición de personas
Senado no descarta periodo extra; sería para reformas a favor de migrantes, ante amenaza de deportación masiva en EU
The National Anti-Kidnapping Coordination (Conase) said that 10 states have the highest kidnapping rates in the country, among them Tamaulipas, State of Mexico, Veracruz, Guerrero, Tabasco, Morelos and Mexico City.
Patricia Bugarín Gutierrez, head of the coordination, said that after analyzing the performance and needs of the specialized units in each state and the capital city, a new national anti-kidnapping strategy that will focus on ten states will be announced in November.
She explained that the staff of the anti-kidnapping units will receive training and that the government will make sure that the investigation staff has everything they need to do their job. Also, she said that analysts will be certified.