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“Me parece una película todo esto que vivimos”; Marino Arturo Zacarías relata el fin de su pesadilla a manos de rebeldes hutíes

Aumenta 144% detención de niños mexicanos solos que cruzan a EU; su trayecto los convierte en blancos del crimen

El desierto fronterizo entre México y EU un cementerio de documentos; “siempre ves pasaportes rotos aquí”, relatan
Former Pink Floyd member Roger Waters attacked Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump by calling him “pig-ignorant” during an interview with Rolling Stone magazine.
“It’s American exceptionalism gone crazy and delivered under the umbrella of absolute ignorance.” the musician said.
“He is pig-ignorant and he always was and he always will be. He lives in the illusion that he’s admirable in some way. And obviously for somebody like me, he stands for everything that is not admirable in American society.” he added.