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The Mexican Minister of Foreign Affairs, Claudia Ruiz Massieu, arrived this morning in Egypt, where eight Mexican tourists died in an attack by the local security forces.
Ruiz Massieu arrived shortly before 02:00 a.m. local time, around 7:00 p.m. in Mexico, and was greeted by Ambassador Jorge Alvarez Fuentes.
"Landing in #ElCairo, I am already with the ambassador @JAlvarezFuentes to coordinate actions," wrote the Minister on her Twitter account.
Ruiz Massieu traveled along seven relatives of the killed and injured tourists, as well as staff of the Foreign Affairs Ministry (SRE), doctors from the Ministry of Health and experts from the Scientific Division of the Federal Police.
The reason behind this trip is to provide the relatives of the victims with all the support they require, as well as to talk with the Egyptian authorities in order to clarify the circumstances behind the tragedy and check the progress of the current investigation on the incident.