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Claudia Sheinbaum anuncia que termoeléctrica de Tula usará gas natural; planea fábrica de reciclaje en Hidalgo
Alejandro Macías descarta emergencia sanitaria en China; "no se trata del inicio de una pandemia", señala
Sheinbaum sacará adelante a México con respaldo de mujeres: Rosa Icela; “un orgullo tener una gran Presidenta”, dice
¡Orgullo mexicano! Triunfa orquesta sinfónica de estudiantes de secundaria en Londres; son 90 músicos de Mexicali
Aseguran 500 kilos de marihuana escondida en cantera en Veracruz; cargamento iba a República Dominicana
It seems that Mexican striker Javier “Chicharito” Hernández is already one of the most popular soccer players in Germany.
Bayer Leverkusen has given him the lead role in the team and also the cover of the BayArena magazine, owned by the team.
This is the third opportunity to “Chicharito” in European soccer, after his sporadic participation in the Manchester United and Real Madrid.
Hernández is believed to be costing Leverkusen around 12 million euros.