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ONGs piden a Sheinbaum contemplar propuestas para seguridad vial; más de 16 mil personas mueren por accidentes

De la Fuente se reúne con representantes de 9 países de América Latina; coordinan acciones de migración
Puerto Rican astrologer Walter Mercado called the Latino community to share his prediction about the controversial Republican candidate Donald Trump.
"His dream of becoming president of the most important nation in the world, namely the United States, will fade as people discover his egocentrism, xenophobia, wrong intentions and lack of knowledge," Mercado predicted.
"Astrologically Mr. Donald Trump has very little political future," he added.
According to Mercado, Trump "lacks sensitivity and compassion. His offensive and irreverent comments against Latinos have earned him the antipathy and hatred of most of the U.S population."