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The factor that made judge Margarita Zapato Vallejo order the formal prison against Necaxa soccer players Luis Antonio Gorocito and Alejandro Molina for the presumed beating of 22-year-old Luis Rodolfo Mariscal is their clear physical superiority over their alleged victim.
The judge considered the physical condition required by a high performance athlete, as well as the fact that Mariscal was in a lower physical state than his alleged attackers during the early hours of August 16.
Meanwhile, the president of the Necaxa club, Ernesto Tinajero, expressed in an interview with ESPN that the team has not abandoned the players and will help them with their defense.
His comments were echoed by coach Miguel de Jesús Fuentes, who expressed that Uruguayan Gorocito and Molina have the support of the team "as the family that we are in the club," but made it clear that "the only one that has the capacity to judge them is the law, and in the end we will have to abide by what it determines."
In the meantime, Mariscal remains unconscious, in a struggle to remain alive. His doctors have expressed their optimism in spite of the fact that nine days have passed and he continues under assisted breathing.