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Alcaldes del PAN piden ser incluidos en Encuentro Nacional Municipal; “conocemos mejor las problemáticas”, explican
Implicado en caso “Estela de Luz” de Calderón debe pagar 230 mdp por daño al erario; Suprema Corte confirma sentencia
Altagracia Gómez afirma que empresarios de Canadá dan visto bueno a Plan México; buscan punto de acuerdo para T-MEC
Calderón asegura que construcción de barda en refinería fue decisión de Peña; en Dos Bocas “AMLO sólo dejó los fierros”, acusa
An elementary school principal criticized by parents after Hispanic students were left to eat lunch on the floor of the school's office after misbehaving is resigning.
Denver Public Schools issued a statement saying Kalpana Rao, the principal of Cheltenham Elementary, was the focus of complaints from parents when they learned of the discipline. Parents say Rao also made racist remarks to parents.
In a letter to the parents, Rao apologized for the discipline and promised it wouldn't happen again.
Rao says if students get in trouble, they are brought into the office to wait to see the dean. She says they often sit on the floor while they're waiting because there aren't enough chairs.