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“Baby Trump, te comportas como niño”; migrantes y deportados castigan piñata de Donald Trump frente al muro fronterizo

Alejandro Armenta: Vamos a defender con Sheinbaum a los migrantes; los poblanos son forjadores de “Pueblayork”

FGR asegura 15 mil litros de hidrocarburo en el Estado de México; deshabilitan dos tomas clandestinas

Marina asegura más de 240 mil cajetillas de cigarros apócrifos en el puerto de Manzanillo; el valor de la mercancía asciende a 19 mdp
Friday has just begun and the exchange rate for the dollar in Mexico City is of 17.22 pesos in Banamex and Bancomer. Banco Base reports that the depreciation of the peso is due to negative data in China and pointed out that the Asian country is going through a period of economic slowdown, with weak data on exports and industrial production, affecting the interest of risk investors in emerging economies. The financial institution believes that the following weeks could see the dollar going for 17.50 pesos, in reaction to the second revision to Gross Domestic Product of the United States for the second quarter.