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Ricardo Aca, 24, is a Mexican undocumented immigrant who works at the Trump Soho Hotel in New York City.
Aca, who is also a photographer, is the subject of a short video produced by New Left Media in which the Mexican, from Puebla, addresses Donald Trump's comments on Mexican immigrants.
"Trump keeps pointing out all these immigrants that have done these terrible things, but those aren't the immigrants that I know. That's not what we're like" he says.
"I know I could lose my job for just talking about Trump," Aca says in the video, "but it doesn’t make me proud every day to go to work under his name."
Aca arrived in New York when he was 14 years old. "I’m in the deferred action program, which I have to renew every two years," he says. "I consider myself an undocumented immigrant still because it could just be taken away from me at any time."
Watch the full video here: