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Twelve Central-American migrants were injured after the truck that was transporting them rode at excessive speed while trying to evade the police, and crashed against a vehicle of the Border Patrol of the State of Chiapas. The incident happened in the road between Comitán de Domínguez and San Cristobal de Las Casas at around 5:00 Tuesday, according to a report by the National Migration Institute (INM). The presumed human trafficker who was driving the truck with 25 people from Guatemala and El Salvador on board, tried to evade the police and raced away, but ended crashing with a patrol car and the truck rolled over the road. After the incident, most of the foreigners and the driver escaped, leaving the wounded behind the wounded. Staff from the Beta Group of the INM and Red Cross workers, as well as state officers, helped the wounded, among them a Border Police officer who was injured during the crash. The victims are currently in the hospital and reportedly out of danger.