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“El Mayo” Zambada: AMLO tiene razón, los balazos son peligrosos; María Scherer relata encuentro antes de que fuera secuestrado
“Mexicana de Aviación, un proyecto que sangra dinero y que ha costado más de 35 mil mdp”; Juan Carlos Machorro en Con los de Casa
Profepa clausura empresa que contaminó río Atoyac con aguas residuales; continúan trabajos de saneamiento
Palestinos celebran alto al fuego entre Israel y Hamás en la CDMX; piden romper relación con Netanyahu
The resolution of the Supreme Court (SCJN) supporting the adoption of children by same-sex couples in Campeche represents "another devastating blow against the family," expressed the Catholic Church on Sunday. The judges did not safeguard the greater good of the children and left them "reduced to objects" subject to a "false right," expressed an editorial entitled "Tremendous Court," in the Catholic weekly "Desde la Fe." The hierarchy of the Catholic Church referred to the resolution as "another devastating blow" against the family because the judges issued a resolution "beneficial to the gay lobby" that does not safeguard the greater good of the children, depriving them of the right to be educated by a family composed of a man and a woman. "The judges did not safeguard the greater good of the children, who have a right to develop within a natural family. That is to say, having a father and a mother. "In addition, deprives them of their dignity by making them subject to a false law for couples who do not understand that children are not to meet emotional neediness but to be held and educated within a normal family in which they should receive everything they need for their integral development," expressed the editorial.