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ONGs acusan a Garduño de eludir responsabilidad en incendio de INM de Ciudad Juárez; exigen justicia por 40 migrantes

Vinculan a proceso a “Billy” Álvarez por lavado de dinero y delincuencia organizada; continúa en prisión

Reciben como héroes en Saná a marinos veracruzanos secuestrados por rebeldes hutíes; permanecieron cautivos 430 días
The dollar will reach at least 15 Mexican pesos by the end of 2015 and 2016, according to experts consulted by the National Bank of Mexico (Banamex).
The experts expect the dollar to trade in between 15.20 to 15.30 pesos by the end of the year. That means a minimum of 15.60 pesos.
Barclays is the most conservative in that regard and expects the dollar to trade at 16.50 pesos. Pro Asset Management is next with 16 pesos.
In a marked contrast, BBVA Bancomer expects 14.30 pesos per dollar by the end of 2015, with Santander going for 14.70.