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Por violencia o migración, INE perfila zonas de atención para elección judicial; falta determinar total de casillas
Buscadoras, activistas y periodistas piden reunión con Sheinbaum; denuncian desplazamiento y hasta feminicidio por su labor
Yasmín Esquivel acusa a Comité del PJF de violar derechos de aspirantes a elección judicial; “hay más de mil afectados”, reitera
Frente Cívico invita a su registro como partido político en el INE; “vamos a derrotar a Morena”: Acosta Naranjo
Aspirantes a elección judicial confían en proceso de selección de candidaturas; “no habrá recomendados”, expresan
Nogales city officials said they believe a sewage flood was caused by a possible drug tunnel from Sonora to Arizona.
The cross-border sewer line carries more than 10 million gallons of raw sewage from Mexico and the United States every day.
“We haven't found the drugs yet, but the sewer line is totally blocked,” Deputy City Manager John Kissinger said.
Kissinger said it appeared that smugglers had dug a tunnel from under a house on Morley Avenue in an attempt to extract drugs being brought across the border through the sewer line, but damaged the pipe in the process.
To remove the drugs, or whatever is blocking the line, Kissinger said that the avenue need to be torn up.
Authorities also said that recent smuggling attempts have disrupted the flow of sewage through city lines.