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In a video released by the U.S. Embassy in Mexico via Youtube, Ambassador Anthony Wayne bid farewell to Mexico with a recount of the four years he spent in the country.
"I've been very fortunate to lead the efforts of the U.S. government to strengthen our relations with Mexico and Mexicans over the past four years. Together we achieved a lot," Ambassador Wayne said in Spanish in the 3:41-minute video.
Wayne, who leaves Mexico in late July, said that "the U.S.-Mexico relation is stronger and more dynamic than ever."
He added that the two countries "share the same goal: a more prosperous, free and safe future for ourselves and for our families."
The U.S. ambassador finished by saying that he feels privileged and honored to have been part of this journey.
"I deeply enjoyed the time I spent in Mexico, working with you, getting to know you and I will miss you when I leave."