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State and municipal police arrested 11 people in the municipality of Ocosingo, in the jungle region of Chiapas, for allegedly burning voting booths and electoral material.
According to the teachers, the detainees are: Daniel López Santos, Joaquín Santiz López, Adolfo Santis Méndez, Antonio Gómez Girón, Kevin Antonio Diaz Alfaro, Alberto Pérez Pérez, Manuel Gómez Santiz, Abelardo Ruiz Hernández, Luis Enrique Cruz Juárez, Marcos López Santiz and Tomás González López.
Booths were also destroyed in the municipalities of Venustiano Carranza and Huehuetán.
The National Electoral Institute (INE) said that 5,428 voting stations were installed in Chiapas, equivalent to 91% of the total.
In Tuxtla Gutierrez, teachers protest outside private radio stations and the local government radio station -Sistema Chiapaneco de Radio, Televisión y Cinematografía-, whose facilities are guarded by police.
At a press conference Pedro Gómez Bahamaca, one of the leaders of the 7th Section of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) reiterated his call not to vote and warned that they will continue with their protest actions, since "the elections are a sham to legitimize the political class in power."