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"Grave error" dejar a Marko Cortés como líder en el Senado, advierte Adriana Dávila; PAN debe desligarse de liderazgos fallidos, afirma
Morena prepara nueva reforma constitucional para prohibir maíz transgénico; "sin maíz no hay país": Monreal
Último fin de semana del 2024 registra 171 asesinatos: SSPC; en promedio mataron a 57 personas por día
Oposición rechaza postura de Morena sobre revueltas por dichos de Trump; “está fuera de la realidad”, acusan
INE debe determinar si Morena puede promover el voto en la elección judicial: Sheinbaum; “importante que todas las autoridades participen”
By Newsroom
Colombian singer Shakira has also joined the wave of protests against the American tycoon Donald Trump for his xenophobic comments on immigrants.
Shakira sent a message on her social networks to express her opinion.
"This is a hateful and racist speech that attempts to divide a country that for years has promoted diversity and democracy! No one living in this century should stand behind so much ignorance" she wrote.
TV networks such as Univision, NBC and Televisa have decided to cut their ties with Trump