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“A resolver”; Senado tiene plan B para elección judicial en caso de que Comité del PJ desacate resolución: Noroña

No hay enfrentamientos en el Poder Judicial: Mónica Soto; defiende denuncia contra juez que frenó actividades del Comité del PJ

Corte detemina que uso de animales para ritos es crueldad animal y debe ser castigado; resolución no viola libertad de culto

“Billy” Álvarez asegura ser un preso político; pide “benevolencia” ante acusaciones de lavado y delincuencia organizada

Presupuesto para migrantes le corresponden a Sheinbaum: Comisión en Diputados; SHCP podría aumentarlos a favor de repatriados

Comisión en San Lázaro prevé ratificar Ley del Infonavit sin modificaciones; Comités serán tripartitas: Morena
Rubén Oseguera González "Junior", son of Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes, leader of the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG) was sent to the federal prison of "El Altiplano" for organized crime and money laundering.
Oseguera González, also known as "El Menchito," was transferred to the maximum-security prison until the authorities determine if there is enough evidence to produce a formal arrest warrant against him.
On Tuesday, "El Menchito" was arrested by officers from the Ministry of National Defense and the Federal Police in the municipality of Zapopan, Jalisco.
Twentyfive-year-old Oseguera González, from California, is considered the second in command of the criminal gang headed by his father.
He was arrested along with his brother Julio Alberto, and found in possession of two AR-15 rifles, two AK-47 assault rifles, and two handguns, as well as four grenades.
Rubén Oseguera was already arrested in January 2014 along other four suspects in Zapopan, Jalisco. However, he was released on December of the same year for lack of evidence.