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A group of experts created an online dictionary of wixárika, the language of the Huichol people.
Pamparios (thanks), aixi (yes), pienixi (Friday), katari rimekaku (soon), witarita (rainy season) are some of the 600 words included in the interactive dictionary, available in English and Spanish.
The dictionary, available on rutadelvenado.com, is part of a project promoted by a group of independent journalists and experts to register and rescue part of Mexico's 62 indigenous languages.
Ricardo Ibarra, one of the project coordinators, explained that 200 words more will be added in the coming months, along with their audio file to learn their pronunciation.
In Mexico there are around 44,000 Wixaritari, commonly known as Huicholes. Their language is still spoken in some communities of Jalisco, Nayarit, Aguascalientes, Durango and Zacatecas.