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The Office of the Attorney General (PGR) arrested George Antonio Nehme Name, former director general and main shareholder of defunct Avolar Aerolineas in Guadalajara, for a presumed fraud for more than US$6.2 million.
According to a statement, the arrest was conducted per request of the Office of the Attorney General of Mexico City and with the support of the Criminal Investigative Agency (AIC) on June 11.
"After seven years, he is put at the disposal of the authority," expressed the report.
The arrest is based on a warrant from September 9, 2014, for the crime of fraud against Grupo Ofem.
The judges who ordered the arrest considered that the suspect lied in relation to the serious financial situation faced by the low-cost airline, acting maliciously to obtain financing while hiding the crisis facing Avolar, derived from various tax liabilities, labor problems and pressure from creditors and suppliers.