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Sheinbaum instruye a cónsules y embajadores para atender a mexicanos en el extranjero; reunión fue informativa: Fayad
Eligen a Javier Laynez como último presidente de la Segunda Sala de la Corte; fue electo por unanimidad de votos
Vamos a atender de fondo y sin pretextos la paz en Chiapas: Rosa Icela; destaca coordinación con gobernador y municipios
Organizaciones piden a Sheinbaum desmilitarizar control migratorio; critican actuar de la Guardia Nacional
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Non-governmental organizations marched from the Angel of Independence to the Monument to the Victims, located near the Campo Marte in Mexico City, to protest against violence in the country.
The march was headed by Consejo Ciudadano para la Seguridad (Citizen Council for Security), Alto al Secuestro (Stop Kidnapping) and Mexico SOS.
Isabel Miranda de Wallace, chairwoman of Alto al Secuestro, said that "not all soldiers and federal policemen do wrong, there are many who defend the peace of this country with their lives."
She also called for the strengthening of institutions to build peace.